Before I go into detail on how to create an interactive Event Calendar map for your website, let's do a quick refresher on our map builder!
This is the No Code Map App 3 step builder - super intuitive and easy to pick up.
Why is it important to have a map view for Events? With majority of events going back to physical events (as opposed to virtual events), it is more important than ever, to show your customers / site visitors a consolidated map view of all the available events so they are informed on "what is happening around them".
So let's see how easily and quickly you can build a custom one using No Code Map App, including custom filters to help your customers find the right event near them!
Build an on-brand, interactive Event Locator for your website
Step 1 - Select the "Event calendar" template
Step 2 - Import your data.
There are a number of ways you can import your data:
- Copy/paste from spreadsheet
- Sync with Google Sheets (coming soon)
Click on "Copy/paste from spreadsheet" and you will see a window pop up where you can paste in your data. In order to help you prepare your Excel data, we have included an "example.csv" so you will know exactly how to set up your dataset.
In the sample Excel, you will see the standard information a typical business would need in an engaging, lead generating product locator, namely:
Event name
Image link
Call-to-action link
Our builder is very intelligent:
It can process up to 15 columns of custom data (whatever you want - just make sure you have column headers). In our sample we only used 12
It can self-detect information-based columns (e.g. address, phone etc) vs filterable data (e.g. Theme, Date etc)
You can also include call-to-action and image link columns and auto-generate call-to-action buttons and bulk import images
Once you have your data ready, simply copy and paste into the box:
Once you have pasted in your data, the No Code Map App smart builder will:
Automatically map your data based on your "location" or "address" column;
Automatically create custom map filters based on your dataset (yes, you read it right, any text filter be it single or multi-value filters. Later on we will also allow number filters);
Images will be automatically loaded if you had included a public image link; and
If you had included a call-to-action link column, a custom call-to-action button for each location auto-generate.
[insert image]
No Code Map App is the only commercial grade custom map maker that can automatically generate advanced filters comparable to those you see on major company websites.
[insert image]
Step 3 Customize your interactive map!
Now you can bring in your own style/branding! You can customize everything from fonts, colors, to what shows in each location detail box.
The best of all, we have simplified map customization to to just clicks!
This is an example for customizing map markers.
And you are done! We are super excited with our live launch!